Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28th Homework

Language: Students have been working on Inferencing. We did a really neat activity looking at a wordless picture titled "The Lion and the Mouse". Ask them to tell you the story in your own words.
Math: We are working on long division! Lots of students are having difficulty to please practice at home.
On Monday we are going to travel by bus to CSS to see their performance of Highschool Musical. The cost of the performance is $5 and the bus is $1. Forms will be going home tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20th Homework

April 20th Homework
It has been a very busy last few days!! Students have been working on amazing animal print artwork that I will get posted for you to see.
In language we have just begun our final “pathway for learning”. We are going to be looking at inferencing “reading between the lines”. This is a very difficult skill and we will be spending the next few weeks on it. Today we began by looking at a picture and students needed to tell me everything they could about it. They needed to draw inferences about what might have been happening. Make sure to ask your child what the picture was about. The following is the success criteria for Inferencing:
Learning Goal: I am learning to use stated and implied information (about characters /in text) to develop my own interpretation.
Success Criteria:
        Look for clues that the author gives you in the text.
        Connect with what you already know
        Connect with your own experiences
        Put your own experiences together with clues from the text to form your interpretation
        Come up with your own ideas or conclusion about the text that is not told to you in the author’s words.
Chocolate Bar money is due back tomorrow!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday, April 13th Homework

April 13th Homework
Language: Students last Procedural Writing is due on Friday. Students were able to pick any topic they like to write their procedural writing on. Tomorrow students will have 50 mins to work in the computer lab on their assignment. Students have also been taking turns in class working on the netbooks to do some research for the assignment.
Math: Students have been working on the Transformations of shape. We have looked at Translations (slides), Reflections and Rotations. Today we focused on Rotations, which seem to be the most difficult. JUMP p. 295-297 was assigned.
Students also need a lot of practice with their multiplication. We are focusing on 2 digits by 1 digit. If you could please have them write out some questions about home to go over that would be helpful. 
Reminder: Quiz night is tomorrow night!!            

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday April 7th Homework

Thursday April 7, 2011
Language- Students have been working on their Public Service Announcement in Class. This is due tomorrow (Friday). Students have had plenty of time to work on the computer; they have also been given 3 different examples. Students have a yellow strip of paper with the Success Criteria for this assignment.
Due Monday will be student’s 2nd piece of persuasive writing. This writing will be a recipe. Please review the success criteria for a good piece of procedural writing.
Math- Students are still working on Coordinate Graphing. Today in class students played a game all about coordinates.
Science- Students will have a quiz tomorrow about the various things we have learned in our Energy Unit so far. Students should have all their notes in their duotang and should review them tonight. Make sure students know:
1.       The difference between renewable and non-renewable energy and advantages and disadvantages of each.
2.       The different types of energy- ex. Electrical energy, light energy
3.       Where we get energy from- ex. Biomass, Hydro-Electric
Stay Tuned for Pictures of our Inuksuk
Reminder that Quiz Night is next Thursday. Get your teams of 4 ready for a fun night!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Here is a link to the newsletter. You need to have WordPerfect to download it. I will post the calendar soon.

April 4th Homework

April 4th Homework
Language- Students are working on procedural writing. The following is the learning goal and success criteria for this type of writing.
Learning Goal: I am learning to generate, gather and organizer ideas and information to write a piece of procedural writing.
Success Criteria:
o   There is a clearly stated purpose
o   List of supplies or materials needed
o   Easy to understand steps in logical order
o   Lots of clear details
o   Word choice, for example (first, next, lastly)
o   Diagrams and pictures
o   Summary of the procedure and a “catchy” conclusion

Students next assignment will be writing out a recipe. Please allow students to bring in any cook books or cooking magazines that you have available at home.
Math- In math we are finishing up Coordinates. Students were assigned two pages today and may have some homework.  A great game to play at home that reinforces Coordinate Graphing is Battleship!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday March 29th

It has been a very busy week so far in Grade 5! 
Here a few quick updates and reminders:
Pizza money is due tomorrow

-Language-  students are completing their first assignment for procedural writing. Students have the success criteria in their notebook. I will also post it on here. The assignment is to write about how to play a game. The example that we wrote together in class was How to Play Crazy Eights. We are also continuing with our reading about Conservation of Energy. We have been focusing on the reading strategy of Questioning. Please discuss at home how important it is to question what we read to fully understand it.

-Math- Students should have brought home their Volume sheets over the weekend. Some students needed to do corrections and they are bringing those home with them tonight.
Today we looked at the relationship between Volume and Capacity. We found the volume of 3D objects in class by using water displacement. Ask your child to tell you all about it! Their homework was JUMP p.236

Friday, March 25, 2011

Building a Sarcophagus and Mummy in Grade 5!!

Here are a few pictures of the students working on their sarcophagus. We built the boxes first, spray painted them gold. They then designed their Pharaoh and painted it on to the lid.

The next step was to make the mummy. Students took tinfoil and formed the body.
The next step was to wet strips of paper towel and wrap it around the mummy. After it was dry students painted it with white glue to hold the paper towel in place.

Friday, March 25th Homework

Friday March 25th Homework
Students will be bringing home their Ancient Egypt notes. We have finished the unit and students can keep their notes.
Math: Students will be bringing home their math folder with sheets about volume. Please go over these with them. The folder MUST come back on Monday.
Students are almost finished their sarcophagus and mummy! I will post some pictures of the process we went through to make the sarcophagus.
Enjoy the weekend:)
Mrs. Furtney

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24th Homework

March 24th Homework
Language- We began our unit on Conservation of Energy. Today we talked about the reading strategy of Questioning. Ask your child to explain to you how important it is to question while you read. Ask them about some of the different ways they can reduce their energy consumption. We also began Procedural Writing. Show students any examples of procedural writing that you have at home, for example: recipes, instructions, manuals etc…
Math- Students will be bringing home their Math Folder tonight with two sheets they have done on Volume. Look over these, some students have corrections to make.
Students completed another sheet about Volume in class and they were also assigned Math Makes Sense pg. 211-212 #1-5.
Students were to bring home their quiz on conversions, please correct, sign and return.
REMIMDER: Tomorrow is the JR Volleyball tournament. Good luck to those students in our class who are participating!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22nd Homework

Tuesday March 22 Homework
Language: Students handed in their final persuasive essay today. These will be marked and given feedback. I will send home a sample of a level 3+ for you to look at.
In Language and Science we will be beginning a new unit called Conservation of Energy. In this unit, students will learn about a variety of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. They will be introduced to the importance of our energy use, and learn ways that everyone can do their part to conserve energy.
In Language they will be focusing on:
1.       The reading strategy of asking themselves questions as they read
2.       The writing strategy of developing strong voice in their non-fiction writing.
3.       The characters of public service announcements
4.       Text features such as charts and graphs
Here are some ways you can support your child’s learning at home during this unit:
1.       Work together with your child to develop a list of things everyone in your family can do around the home to save energy
2.       Talk about what kind of energy you use at home for heat, light, cooking, hot water, and so on.
3.       Choose a “green” project to work on together. Such as setting up a composter, organizing recyclables at home or in the community. Planting a garden.
Math: Today we continued with Volume and students were to complete two sheets.
Social Stuides: Ancient Egypt Brochure is due tomorrow.

Mrs. Furtney

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21st Homework

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had an enjoyable March Break!
Language: We are writing our final task for persuasive writing.  After studying Ancient Egypt and reading the poem “I Am the Mummy Neb-Hefert”, the students are to form an opinion about what should happen to artifacts. The assignment is as follows:
What should be done with artifacts? Do they belong in museums, private collections, or should they be left where they were discovered? Write an essay persuading me where they should go.
In class students talked with a partner about which side they were going to argue. We discussed it as a class and students began to make an organizer for their persuasive essay.
 Talk to your child tonight about which side they are taking and the arguments they have thought of.
The following is the checklist that students have been using for persuasive writing.
Learning Goal: I am learning to write longer and more complex pieces of persuasive writing.
Success Criteria: Writing a good opinion/persuasive piece
 An opening statement that tells the reader what is being discussed/ the stance you are taking on the issue Include researched facts/details that support your opinion Make sure that the facts are written in an order that makes sense Use persuasive words and phrases Use diagrams, drawings or pictures if they make the argument stronger End with a strong conclusion
(Check in their language book for this, it is on the front cover. I am having trouble making it look like a list!)

Math: Students will be bringing home their quiz for converting measurements tomorrow. Students still need a lot of practice with this. Please go over the quiz and fix it up. Today we began Volume. Students were assigned JUMP p. 233-234
Social Studies: The Ancient Egypt Travel Brochure is due on Wednesday. Please look at the assignment posted below. Students were given computer lab time today and they will have some again tomorrow.
REMINDER: Jr. Volleyball is Friday

Friday, March 11, 2011

Culminating Task Ancient Egypt

Here is the link for the culminating task for Ancient Egypt
Due Mar 23rd.

Over the March Break keep up to date with your reading and practice your math facts!!
Enjoy your week off:)

Mrs. Furtney

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Homework and Updates

Wed. March 9th's Homework
Tonight students needed to complete:
Math: JUMP p.230 - we are working on Mass and Capacity. If you can help students with conversions between mg - g - kg and ml - L at home that would be excellent.
Students will be having a Math Quiz on Friday Mar 11. The topic will be Mass and Capacity.
Social Studies: Students were assigned their final culminating task today for Ancient Egypt. Students will be creating a brochure as if they are a travel agent during Ancient Egyptian times. I will post the assignment and assessment criteria so stay posted! Brochure will be due Wed. March 23.
Remember that Beach Day is Friday!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Welcome to the new blog for Mrs. Furtney's Grade 5 class. This blog will be a place to share work and keep up to date with everything that is happening in Room 8.
Feel free to join the blog and comment on the postings:)
Mrs. Furtney